人格和瑞鹤号很快很快就作者: dslzkz 时间: 2022-10-9 07:00
收下看看了作者: throall 时间: 2022-11-4 08:32
战神引擎传奇手游【诛仙玛法单职业五大陆】最新整理Win半手工服务作者: 黑毛 时间: 2022-11-13 09:26
⸂⸂⸜👊⸝⸃⸃作者: 黑毛 时间: 2022-11-13 09:26
源码作者: 2668150979 时间: 2022-11-17 13:43
1111111111111作者: devilsafe 时间: 2022-11-30 00:25
In a nutshell
To accept a payment, create a transaction using our API, our client Javascript library, Popup JS, or our SDKs. Every transaction includes a link that can be used to complete payment.
Paystack Popup provides a simple and convenient payment flow for web. It can be integrated in five easy steps, making it the easiest way to start accepting payments. See demo of the payment methods on the checkout here.
Collect customer information
To initialize the transaction, you'll need to pass information such as email, first name, last name amount, transaction reference, etc. Email and amount are required. You can also pass any other additional information in the metadata object field. Here is the full list of parameters you can pass:作者: pdscn 时间: 2023-1-31 23:24
看看现在还能玩吗作者: 风吹天涯 时间: 2023-2-6 21:36
1111111111111111111111111作者: a85620695 时间: 2023-4-7 22:54
dsaf 作者: a85620695 时间: 2023-4-8 09:28
sdfsdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd作者: wang0909 时间: 2023-6-9 19:20
址(回复该主题免费获取下作者: 闭水轻寒 时间: 2023-6-14 13:10
感谢作者: sx3 时间: 2023-8-1 18:31
1111111111111作者: gt0001 时间: 2023-9-23 01:29
非常不错,支持一下锦尚中国源码论坛作者: 阿杰 时间: 2023-10-5 22:04
看看是什么东西啊作者: mniwd 时间: 2023-12-29 14:50
战神引擎传奇手游【诛仙玛法单职业五大陆】最新整理Win半手工服务作者: zhangyingqun 时间: 2024-1-10 16:48
试试看 作者: gaiclove 时间: 2024-3-15 22:05
6666666666666666作者: yahao125 时间: 2024-4-26 13:43
5666666666666666666作者: gujiu1417 时间: 2024-10-18 16:37
看看作者: 欣华软件科技 时间: 2024-11-4 00:21