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支持下~~~~作者: 春馨科技 时间: 2018-8-6 12:09
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有点高!!!!!!!!!!11作者: ccarting 时间: 2018-8-21 11:43
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不错!!!!!!!!!作者: Sbqm897q 时间: 2018-8-23 22:28 标题: CFD Brokers Hi there Options traders,
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EST on the Cboe Futures Exchange (CFE).
A CME bitcoin futures contract represents five bitcoin, while its rival Cboe contract represents one bitcoin. That final minute ends at 4:15 p. Bitcoin's introduction to the CBOE has been seen by some as a step towards legitimising the currency.
A CFD broker is a third-party service that provides potential investors with a trading platform where you can open and close trading positions, analyze the market trends, and apply various features (it differs from broker to broker).
The Main Types OF CFD Brokes
Arguably one of the biggest innovations to come from the development of technology in retail onine trading is the widespread growth of DMA, allowing traders of all levels and sizes to make their own trading decisions on the markets first hand
1. STP Broker– Straight through Processing model
2. ECN Broker– Electronic communications network model
3. DMA Broker – Direct market access model
4. MM Broker– Market maker model
5. P2P Broker – Peer to Peer model
The STP/ECN and DMA Brokerage models are the CLASSIC brokerage variations that distribute all your trade orders to the administrators of the traditional marketplace. The managers of the conventional market are known as the Market Makers.
These Market Makers are the providers who you are actually, trading with.
So if you gain, they suffer a loss of. In the same line of thinking, however, if you often win, it equals the provider is losing and vice versa.
The market makers maintain the right to decline your trade flows. this factor is unquestionably a considerable factor. You can trade with a Broking service that is functioning an STP/ECN/DMA model and nevertheless experience your trading profits canceled or a more painful setting , your deposit may very well held back temporally. This type of unethical activities of a STP broker may be as a result of their Market Makerrefused your trades at some intention and consequently, any profits you made becomes invalid. The market maker may possibly as well prefer to punish the Broker for allowing such revenues by retaining your funds.
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我就想更要这个作者: 极度616 时间: 2018-10-30 13:28
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