作者: 顺齐贤 时间: 2014-3-14 00:27
支持作者: 春雪飘移 时间: 2014-3-23 17:41
RE: 大型租车网站源码低价出售只限10套10元作者: yipopo 时间: 2014-3-25 16:18
谢谢 谢谢 看看作者: .ī隨]風飄零 时间: 2014-3-28 12:55
fffffff作者: 怕冷的北极熊 时间: 2014-3-30 16:17
我想狡猾作者: xinyang9178 时间: 2014-4-6 13:04
<td vAlign=center width=679 align=right><FONT color=#ffffff><SCRIPT language=JavaScript >
function RunGLNL(){
var today=new Date();
var d=new Array("星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六");
var DDDD=(today.getYear()<100 ? today.getYear()+1900:today.getYear())+"年"+(today.getMonth()+1)+"月"+today.getDate()+"日";
DDDD = DDDD + " " + d[today.getDay()];
DDDD = DDDD+ " " + (CnDateofDateStr(today));
//DDDD = DDDD+ " " + SolarTerm(today);
function DaysNumberofDate(DateGL){
return parseInt((Date.parse(DateGL)-Date.parse(DateGL.getYear()+"/1/1"))/86400000)+1;
function CnDateofDate(DateGL){
var CnData=new Array(
var CnMonth=new Array();
var CnMonthDays=new Array();
var CnBeginDay;
var LeapMonth;
var Bytes=new Array();
var I;
var CnMonthData;
var DaysCount;
var CnDaysCount;
var ResultMonth;
var ResultDay;
var yyyy=DateGL.getYear();
var mm=DateGL.getMonth()+1;
var dd=DateGL.getDate();
if(yyyy<100) yyyy+=1900;
if ((yyyy < 1997) || (yyyy > 2020)){
return 0;
Bytes[0] = CnData[(yyyy - 1997) * 4];
Bytes[1] = CnData[(yyyy - 1997) * 4 + 1];
Bytes[2] = CnData[(yyyy - 1997) * 4 + 2];
Bytes[3] = CnData[(yyyy - 1997) * 4 + 3];
if ((Bytes[0] & 0x80) != 0) {CnMonth[0] = 12;}
else {CnMonth[0] = 11;}
CnBeginDay = (Bytes[0] & 0x7f);
CnMonthData = Bytes[1];
CnMonthData = CnMonthData << 8;
CnMonthData = CnMonthData | Bytes[2];
LeapMonth = Bytes[3];
for (I=15;I>=0;I--){
CnMonthDays[15 - I] = 29;
if (((1 << I) & CnMonthData) != 0 ){
CnMonthDays[15 - I]++;}
if (CnMonth[15 - I] == LeapMonth ){
CnMonth[15 - I + 1] = - LeapMonth;}
if (CnMonth[15 - I] < 0 ){CnMonth[15 - I + 1] = - CnMonth[15 - I] + 1;}
else {CnMonth[15 - I + 1] = CnMonth[15 - I] + 1;}
if (CnMonth[15 - I + 1] > 12 ){ CnMonth[15 - I + 1] = 1;}
DaysCount = DaysNumberofDate(DateGL) - 1;
if (DaysCount <= (CnMonthDays[0] - CnBeginDay)){
if ((yyyy > 1901) && (CnDateofDate(new Date((yyyy - 1)+"/12/31")) < 0)){
ResultMonth = - CnMonth[0];}
else {ResultMonth = CnMonth[0];}
ResultDay = CnBeginDay + DaysCount;
CnDaysCount = CnMonthDays[0] - CnBeginDay;
I = 1;
while ((CnDaysCount < DaysCount) && (CnDaysCount + CnMonthDays[I] < DaysCount)){
CnDaysCount+= CnMonthDays[I];
ResultMonth = CnMonth[I];
ResultDay = DaysCount - CnDaysCount;
if (ResultMonth > 0){
return ResultMonth * 100 + ResultDay;}
else{return ResultMonth * 100 - ResultDay;}
function CnYearofDate(DateGL){
var YYYY=DateGL.getYear();
var MM=DateGL.getMonth()+1;
var CnMM=parseInt(Math.abs(CnDateofDate(DateGL))/100);
if(YYYY<100) YYYY+=1900;
if(CnMM>MM) YYYY--;
return CnEra(YYYY)+"年";
function CnMonthofDate(DateGL){
var CnMonthStr=new Array("零","正","二","三","四","五","六","七","八","九","十","冬","腊");
var Month;
Month = parseInt(CnDateofDate(DateGL)/100);
if (Month < 0){return "闰" + CnMonthStr[-Month] + "月";}
else{return CnMonthStr[Month] + "月";}
function CnDayofDate(DateGL){
var CnDayStr=new Array("零",
"初一", "初二", "初三", "初四", "初五",
"初六", "初七", "初八", "初九", "初十",
"十一", "十二", "十三", "十四", "十五",
"十六", "十七", "十八", "十九", "二十",
"廿一", "廿二", "廿三", "廿四", "廿五",
"廿六", "廿七", "廿八", "廿九", "三十");
var Day;
Day = (Math.abs(CnDateofDate(DateGL)))%100;
return CnDayStr[Day];
function DaysNumberofMonth(DateGL){
var MM1=DateGL.getYear();
MM1<100 ? MM1+=1900:MM1;
var MM2=MM1;
return parseInt((Date.parse(MM2)-Date.parse(MM1))/86400000);
function CnEra(YYYY){
var Tiangan=new Array("甲","乙","丙","丁","戊","己","庚","辛","壬","癸");
//var Dizhi=new Array("子(鼠)","丑(牛)","寅(虎)","卯(兔)","辰(龙)","巳(蛇)",
var Dizhi=new Array("子","丑","寅","卯","辰","巳","午","未","申","酉","戌","亥");
return Tiangan[YYYY%10]+Dizhi[YYYY%12];
function CnDateofDateStr(DateGL){
if(CnMonthofDate(DateGL)=="零月") return " 请调整您的计算机日期!";
else return "农历"+CnYearofDate(DateGL)+ " " + CnMonthofDate(DateGL) + CnDayofDate(DateGL);
function SolarTerm(DateGL){
var SolarTermStr=new Array(
var DifferenceInMonth=new Array(
var DifferenceInYear=31556926;
var BeginTime=new Date(1901/1/1);
for(var M=0;DateGL.getMonth()>BeginTime.getMonth();M++){
var JQ;
JQ=" 今天是<font color='#FF9999'><b>"+SolarTermStr[M] + "</b></font>";
else if(DateGL.getDate()==BeginTime.getDate()-1){
JQ=" 明天是<font color='#FF9999'><b>"+SolarTermStr[M] + "</b></font>";
else if(DateGL.getDate()==BeginTime.getDate()-2){
JQ=" 后天是<font color='#FF9999'><b>"+SolarTermStr[M] + "</b></font>";
JQ=" "
JQ+=" 本月";
JQ+=" 下月";
JQ+=BeginTime.getDate()+"日"+"<font color='#FF9999'><b>"+SolarTermStr[M]+"</b></font>";
return JQ;
function CAL()
function CurentTime(){
var now = new Date();
var hh = now.getHours();
var mm = now.getMinutes();
var ss = now.getTime() % 60000;
ss = (ss - (ss % 1000)) / 1000;
var clock = hh+':';
if (mm < 10) clock += '0';
clock += mm+':';
if (ss < 10) clock += '0';
clock += ss;
</SCRIPT></FONT></td> 作者: stfsw39 时间: 2014-4-6 20:49
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